Sunday, June 13, 2010

Concerns ...

As we start a new journey with our little one, there are many sacrifices and adjustments to be made. Firstly, sleeping - no longer do we have 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. This will have to go on for at least 8 months.

Outings including eating out, shopping, long car ride on weekends to the beaches etc will all be on hold for now.

Time - I will have to juggle between being a mum and my career. We only have 24 hours a day and it is really not enough for me. I have spread my attention on 3 children after work and also need to attend to the house chores. I just hope that I will have time and energy for my little one and not be too exhausted by the end of the day.

Finances $$$ - MONEY MONEY MONEY (says ABBA) is another major concern. Insurances, savings for education and the monthly expenditure are causing my head to spin. However, on a positive note, why worry? The LORD will provide.

Yes, the LORD gave me a beautiful baby and surely HE will take me through all the hardships.

May the LORD bless us all abundantly and be our guide throughout this journey!

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